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APPG into the General Election

The Health and Wellbeing in Professional Wrestling team has been delighted to work with Alex-Davies Jones MP, Mark Fletcher MP, Danny Stone MBE and all the members of the All Party Parliamentary Group during the past few years. We have been so glad to contribute written and oral evidence for the APPG’s ground-breaking report, co-lead the first wrestling conference at Parliament, provide details for debates and speeches, and draw attention to the acute problem of concussion.

Most recently we have been working on a new ‘zine that will give wrestlers and fans in particular, all the information they need to make this wonderful sport-art safer and more equitable. We have loved working with Danny and Wrestival founder Heather Bandenburg in putting this together. The General Election announcement means we have to stop this work for a while but we are glad to be able to share a draft and this letter. We hope to continue this vital work after the election.

You can access the Google Drive to see a draft of the ‘zine by clicking on the link in the embedded tweet below.